::: PROJECT :::


::: CATEGORY :::

  • UI Design|

  • UX Design|

  • App Design|

  • Design Management

::: YEAR :::


::: SYNOPSIS :::

The project required an E-commerce app for integration with the chinese T-mall online shopping services. WeChat as the most powerful social platform in China offers the possibility of connecting directly inside the app, and provide a service of consistent e-commerce user journeys.

01 :::

Shopping made simple

As the chinese online shops grow on a daily basis a more simple and efficient shopping experience is required. The All In One app offers the users a clean overview of Dyson products as well as up to date info on the brand’s newest endevours.

02 :::

The User Journey

The user journey starts as the user opens the All In One app inside the Wechat application. Through the authorization process the user is given an option of three categories that will simplify the current way of navigation with category options. The central focus is the connectivity between dyson news feeds and the product purchase category as it would instruct the users about the latest products and features which would bridge the possibility to purchase the product through T-mall faster.

03 :::

The UI

When talking about the visual appearance of the All In One App there is much needed to be taken care of from the aspect of localization design style. WeChat as it's own platform has certain technical limitations on achieving the full stand alone app look and feel. The design language had to make a blend of the overall Dyson design language and follow the T-mall guideline inside the app.

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Hit me up with your space thoughts! "
